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To stop the killing of male chicks

10 January, 2023

France TV Moyen-Orient

To stop the slaughter of male chicks, #Israel invented #Golda, a #hen that only lays female #eggs!

Gene-edited layer hen line could end male chick culls

22 December, 2022


The research, previously confirmed in tissue culture, could help the industry save millions of dollars.

Gene-edited hens may end cull of billions of chicks

22 December, 2022

By Pallab Ghosh

Israeli researchers say they have developed gene-edited hens that lay eggs from which only female chicks hatch.

Les premières poules à ne pondre que des femelles

21 December, 2022

La France Agricole

Des scientifiques israéliens ont mis au point une technologie génétique pour que les poules pondeuses ne produisent que des femelles, une première mondiale qui pourrait contribuer à mettre fin à l'abattage des poussins mâles.

Kein Hahn kräht mehr: Gentechnischer Trick stoppt das Schreddern

14 December, 2022


Künftig müssen Landwirte Eier nur noch mit blauem Licht bestrahlen, um das Schlüpfen männlicher Hühner zu vermeiden. Es schlüpfen nur noch Hennen.

Israeli startup breeds hens which lay eggs of female-only chicks

13 December, 2022


The achievement by startup Huminn and the Israeli Agricultural Research Organization – Volcani Institute can help spare the killing of billions of chicks around the world

NRS Poultry featured in i24 channel

13 January, 2022

NRS Poultry

NRS Poultry featured in i24 channel

Is there a genetic solution for preventing male chicks?

2 November, 2021


Technology that prevents the development of male chicks in the layer industry could potentially save producers billions of dollars annually.

Israeli tech aims to block hatching of billions of male chicks fated for culling

18 July, 2021

Jessica Steinberg | The Times of Israel

Rehovot team finds ‘genetic modification’ to halt embryogenesis, stopping formation of males when they are just a cell cluster; males routinely killed because they can’t lay eggs

The latest development in the egg industry that will cease male chicks culling

18 October, 2020

Noa Fisher

The innovative solution from The Volcanic Institute and NRS Poultry is proposing to make a genetic change in chickens, which will prevent the male eggs from developing. The work is already in the final stages of development and it is possible that in about three years no more chicks will be destroyed.

NRS Poultry featured on Israeli evening news

14 October, 2020

N12 News channel

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